The E835 Jet Target Description

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The Jet Target is comprised of two apparatus. The production stage, formed by the nozzle and the cryocooler, provides a hydrogen clusterized flow.

The hydrogen gas, which arrives to the production stage, passes through a cold trap system. This filter eliminates any risk of clogging the nozzle.
With a skimmer system downstream of the nozzle, a solid angle of 1.5 degrees is selected to form the target.

Both the non-clusterized gas and that which forms the jet target is pumped out from each of the seven vacuum chambers differential pumping system: the recovery system.
In these seven chambers and in the prevaccum pipes, pressure gauges are installed. These gauges have been used to characterize the parameters of the machine, such as density and background, and, at present, monitor the condition of the entire system.
|Garzoglio's Home Page| |Jet Target Home Page| |The Production Stage| |The Recovery System|