The E835 Jet Target Performances

Integrated Luminosity:

  • Density:

    It is possible to change the density of the target in the interaction region from 0.1E14 atoms/cc to 3.2E14 atoms/cc. The stability of these density values is on the time scale of hours.
    This is more than a factor 5 better than E760 (maximum density = 0.6E14 atoms/cc)

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  • Background:

    The non clusterized hydrogen gas inside the machine is pumped out from a differential pumping system. Even so, a fraction of this gas diffuses into the Antiproton Accumulator. The flow of this gas, called Q(AA), causes the annihilation of antiprotons in regions of the beam pipe not monitorized from the detectors. This represents a waste of precious antiprotons!
    A result of our upgraded Gas Jet machine is that Q(AA) for E835 = 1/10 of QAA for E760.

    The efficiency of the machine or Jet Target Efficiency is the ratio between the number of hydrogen atoms seen by the antiprotons passing only through the 7 mm thick target and the number of hydrogen atoms seen by the antiprotons during their whole path in the Antiproton Accumulator.
    We have a JTE = 95%.
    This is more than a factor 2 better than E760 (JTE = 40%).

    For an instantaneous luminosity of 1E31 cm^(-2)s^(-1) = 36 nb^(-1)/h this means that we use 0.3 mA/h of antiproton beam, instead of 0.7 mA/h of E760, or, in other words, we get an integrated lumonisity of 101 nb^(-1)/mA instead of 54 nb^(-1)/mA of E760.

  • Constant Instantaneous Luminosity Control:

    With the dynamic range in the density from 0.1E14 atoms/cc to 3.2E14 atoms/cc, it is possible to keep a luminosity = 2e31 cm^(-2)s^(-1) from a beam current of 80 mA (or more) to 14 mA.
    An automatic control scheme changes the value of the density to keep the instantaneous luminosity constant, following the antiproton current.

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