Some things weren't in the shift report - so I send them for completeness. Stephen The aim for this stack is to time the hodoscopes, to establish a charged trigger and a neutral trigger, to measure rates, generate gates to allow timings, and to write tape to allow detector and software commissioning. E835 SHIFT REPORT: #1 16:00 to 24:00 9/10/96 .....addendum On shift (official): EM, SA. Present : SB, RM, PM, SP, KG, MC, TP, ET AL... ANTIPROTON BEAM: (SP) Pbars were stacked from about midnight of 9/9 till 16:00. Problems with debuncher to accumulator kickers limited stack rate to about 0.4 ma/hr till mid morning when the rate went up to about 1.8 ma/hr. By 16:00 there were 15.5 ma in the machine - plenty for our initial studies. The beam lifetime - target off - is only about 80 hrs; there is poor vacuum at both AP-50 and at A-30. The A-30 will have to be investigated, we assume the AP-50 vacuum will improve with time. As mentioned below, a vertical scan was performed early in the shift and a plot is in the logbook. JET TARGET: (MM) The jet is on from 5:38 p.m. with a density of 8 e12 atoms/cc. The beam lifetime is 89h without the jet and 75h with this tiny jet. The reason of the short lifetime, without the jet, is the vacuum (3e-8 torr) in the jet target region and a leak near the BV307. This valve is about 1/4 of the antiproton length upstream the jet target. I remind you that we started the jet target only Sunday evening. Using the beam, they did the vertical scan of the jet reading about 6.5 mm, within an error of about .5mm this is the same jet diameter we measured at PAB I left in the counting a table and a graph with the nozzle pressure and temperature necessary to achieve the densities from 8e12 to 2.5e14 atoms/cc. An automatic procedure that will do this job entering the desired density will be shortly ready.