E835 SHIFT REPORT: #3 08:00 to 16:00 9/12/96 On shift (official): EM, SB Present : SA, RM, SP, KG, GZ, MC, MT Reminder: "The aim for this stack is to time the hodoscopes, to measure rates, to generate gates to write tape to allow detector and software commissioning" ANTIPROTON BEAM: (EM) We kept the beam coasting. At 5:00 pm: I = 11.2 mA dI/dt = -0.13 mA/h lifetime = 80 h Nothing new about the beam JET: (EM) The jet has been running all the time at the same density (8. E12). MM held a training session on the gas jet operation and care. Nothing new about the jet. HODOSCOPES: (EM) We fixed HV, thresholds and timing for the CKOV. HV has been fixed for H2', now being timed in. Measured rates at this (largely unknown, but low) luminosity: H1 OR - 286 KHz H2 OR - 81 KHz CKOV OR - 51 KHz CCAL: (MT) Prepare for timing OTHER DETECTORS: After several DAQ crashes, KG and GZ reported wrong timing and width for the SCIFI gates (both FERA and PCOS), now fixed A number of detectors (Scifi, Silicon, Hodoscopes+Cerenkov) are preparing for readout. Luminosity monitor DAQ has been running most of the time