On shift : PM, XF, SB 16:30 : Increase density to 1.4E14 Start run 592 17:30 : WB reloads the charged trigger. Rates in charged trigger rise dramatically. Stop run 592. 18:00 : Notice that Neutral Rate is equal to PBG 1 rate (no charged veto) Spend 45 minutes investigating. Problem is the configuration file for the Master MLU in SJ's directory. 18:45 : Start run 593. 21:45 : Stop run. Call MCR to request energy change. 22:15 : MCR calls. New beam energy is 3685.575 in the center of mass. Start run 594. 23:15 : Increase density to 2.24E14. We will not be able to use the entire stack. Notes: 1) Approval for gas change good until noon on Wednesday. Proper procedure must be followed to gain further approval. 2) Do not try to raise the density with the dial beyond 2.0E14. Do it by hand. 3) Plot (courtesy of RC) shows that there is almost no loss of efficiency in the Cerenkov in the transition from Forward to Backward. 4) We need to have all trigger configuration files in a common area. 5) SP needs to supply a coffee machine for the counting room! Peter Maas