Shift Summary for 5/2/00 0:00-8:00 On Shift: GC, MO/RM Log Book #7 pages 142-146 Run Summary: ------------------- 5587 chi0 (3406 MeV) beginning current: 20.8 mA final current : 17.91 mA total luminosity : 296.0 nb-1 5588 chi0 (3406 MeV) beginning current: 17.91 mA final current : 14.99 mA total luminosity : 305.8 nb-1 5589 chi0 (3406 MeV) beginning current: 14.99 mA This run is still under way Total luminosity at Ecm = 3406 MeV so far : 2149.5 nb-1 Events observed so far : 24 (standard offline cuts) --> x-sec=11.1 pb Comments: --------- SciFi are off and warm, as we are trying to decontaminate the refrigerator. Despite this, 3 DYC (3 and 5) hangs occured, the last (7:35) for sync problem 5:38 Straws HV trip. 5:38 Target nozzle regenerated, after a 20% smooth drop in rate; after regeneration, rho went up to 3e14, (L=2.7e31), and finally stabilized to ~2.6e14. 6:45 Straws HV trip, and sudden 30% drop of rate (target rho constant), correlated to a beam lifetime drop (from 0.6 mA/h to 2 mA/h); probably an orbit shift. Back to normal after 2 minutes. Does not seem related to any MCR activities (checked by phone) Bombo & Gigi ps: thanks to Margherita , who replaced me (RM) during the first part of the shift.