List of dsts produced (date of production) as of Wed Apr 12 14:17:25 CDT 2000 /code/e835code/psinc/mdst/chione97_03_13/gold1394_1394.mdst ( Apr-12 1997 ) /code/e835code/psinc/mdst/chione97_03_13/gold1396_1396.mdst ( Apr-12 1997 ) ------------------------------------------------------ *** Events statistic for individual DSTs: *** ----------> gold1394_1394.mdst (Apr-12 1997) Run: 1394 on gold: 6767 Written: 256 --Total-- on gold: 6767 Written: 256 ----------> gold1396_1396.mdst (Apr-12 1997) Run: 1396 on gold: 7300 Written: 227 --Total-- on gold: 7300 Written: 227