E835 Weekly Meeting Minutes -- January 4, 2000 (KEG reporting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Weekly Meetings are held Tuesday and Thursdays at 5pm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stephen Pordes reported that the gas jet target system is fully installed. There was a test of the safety system today and a few problems were found with the new system. These are being worked upon by the safety group. Final test will be later this week. The cryostat refrigerator has liquefied the helium and keeping the cryostat cold. The cassettes had been removed and Stephen has people looking into the leakage problem (cold helium gas and thus a heat leak) out the top of the cassettes. Matt Graham, Seon-hee Seo and Ted Vidnovic have turned on all 144 channels of the FCAL and observed the PMT signal (upstairs) on an oscilloscope. There was no beam and the laser is not currently collected. They have been able to identify ~10 counters that have apparent light leaks or have no signal. They will be making an access to fix these problems. When some ordered fiber optic couplers arrive, they will connect up the FCAL fiber optic system to the laser-scintillator system. Michelle Stancari reported on the CCAL status. There are the two known dead blocks. There are two blocks where the signals are not seen upstairs but are seen prior to the summers. There is at least one counter where a smaller second pulse is seen; front edges are ~125ns apart. She will be fixing these problems. Michelle has been working on the 1ON-1OFF test for checking the cabling validity. It is being modified to work for the Neutral Trigger system and the FCAL. There is a problem with the program hanging in the HV control routines, which are from the working hv interface program. Martin Hu is requesting some "chipmunk" radiation counters to be placed near the detector. These will allow us to monitor the amount of radiation that the detector receives as a function of the Antiproton Source studies. The current schedule with the Antiproton Source (for the next two weeks) is that beam studies will be done during the day and evening shifts. During the owl shifts, E835 can make controlled access. The procedure for controlled access via AP50 has changed in that there has to be a E835 shift manager. The shift manager is recognized by the Main Control Room as the person responsible to seeing that all controlled access procedures are followed. There may be other opportune times for making controlled access; for example tonight with no beam due to a failed Main Injector magnet. Present: Gollwitzer, Graham, Hu, Pordes, Seo, Stancari G, Stancari M, Vidnovic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Old Weekly Meeting Minutes available through WWW http://www-e835.fnal.gov/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: Spelling, coherence and such are not guaranteed.