The helium purification suffered a set back over night. The purification will take an extra day; the purification is expected to be finished sometime tomorrow. The reverse proton studies in the debuncher has resulted in the vertical aperture increasing to ~22pi-mm-mrad. Now both planes are better than what was measured in Jan. There will be further studies to try to identify other possible restrictions as well as studies of beam line transfer efficiencies which will help stacking. Keith ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary of Thursday meeting 3/9/2000. Present (and this may be the most interesting part): a whole crew.. Boca, Stancari (G), Stancari (M), Cester, Graham, Rumerio, Seo, Negrini, Calabrese, Bettoni, Borreani, Legger, Obertino, Lasio, Baldini, Lasio, Garzoglio, Gollwitzer, Pordes. New person: Gian Luigi Boca from University of Pavia working with Ferrara group - welcome. Returning person: Gabriele: welcome back.. >Pbar Status: Aperture Improvements are continuing to be made. Helium purification may be achieved by end Friday. >Immediate Issues: Could VLPC cryostat be set to liquid nitrogen temperature? What is happening with cooling of straws? Need to check reason for higher rate of Freon consumption than anticipated. Need to verify that jet beam valve can be opened (ie that it really is pbar interlock only that is preventing it from being opened) >If we get a stack this weekend, topics to be worked on: Charged Trigger (including phi-phi-gamma hardware); (Wander, Roberto) Test new P77 program - which includes narrow and wide frequency spectrum; (Giulio and off-line) Horizontal and Vertical Scan of Beam position - need luminosity monitor folks to do analysis. Straw chamber threshold/efficiency study; (Margherita, Federica) Minbias strobe timing study (need new HV files); (Federica/Michelle) Gas-jet Density measurements on new path (now 2 degrees from phase transition) at end of stack; (Gabriele) >Discussion: First stack to be psi' scan with initial current of >25 milliamps. (Providing pbar can stack at rate >2 mA/hr or so) Does anyone want chi-2 or chi-1 data? Next stack 1P1 or chi_0? Some discussion in favor of chi_0 - ensures apparatus (including software) is fully tuned, allows time for completion of writing and commissioning phi-phi-gamma filter. Need about 15 pb-1 for scan - not enough for gamma-gamma measurement which needs about 15 pb-1 on peak and 10 pb-1 on some background point. (To set a scale, 15pb-1 = 150 mA of pbars used) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephen