Good Afternoon- As of this afternoon, the arrays are back in both tanks 1 & 4. Tank 4 is closed up and pumping down in the aisle. Tomorrow the ion pumps will be fired up and when vacuum is good enough the tank will be cooled to lN2 and warmed up three times. An RGA port has been put on the tank and will be monitored for 'foreign substances': once the tank is cold, helium will be injected through the cryo lines. Tank 1 is being buttoned up. Cold shock testing of the new joints where the conflat flanges used to be is in progress. The goal is to have tank 1 pumping down when the vacuum warriors leave this evening. Thermal cycling of it will also be carried out. It is not clear how long the thermal testing will take. Monday is the soonest the tanks will be ready to roll back in. Regards, Elvin