The A60 bake went well over the weekend. This morning it will be terminated and the area prepped for stacking. We plan to be in controlled access much of the day. Regards, Elvin ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a quick note to say that shifts will start 8 am tuesday.. Keith will be sending out a revised order of tasks. This is a prediction based on a plan to start stacking sometime around midnight (24:00) Monday and for a stack of ~10 mA. We need at least this much beam so if it isn't there by 8 am we will ask to continue stacking. There will be a deceleration to the psi' as well before we turn on - so actual HV on may be anytime on the day shift. We will want systems people (luminosity monitor, neutral trigger, charged trigger etc) available at turn on. There will be people at Ap-50 who can tell you the status and/or you can see the stack on the web at - which you get to starting where you like on the tree below. fermilab ( | fermilab at work ( | divisions and sections ( | beams division ( | beams status ( Stephen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear All- Stephen, Flavio, Wander and myself discussed a little more the plan for the upcoming stack. Below is a revised version the plan along with the names of who should be doing the main work. The current pbar source plan is to do some ramp studies with protons during the evening shift and start stacking around mid-night. 10mA will be accumulated and then decelerated to the psi' peak. E835 shift personnel should start occupying the AP50 counting room starting at 08:00 Tuesday morning. The shift people should be in the counting room to assist the main work. Project Lum/Time/mA Who Establish running at psi' 0.5mA data to tape GG,DJ,WR, no changes from last stack ~2x10^31 KG,WB,MO, PR,JK,+++ Check phi-phi trigger signals 2hrs at low Lum WB,MN Adjust VLPC volt. and thresh. Min Bias run to check changes 1hr data to tape WB,PR/KG Change Neutral trig. thresholds 0.5hr JK,KG Increase SCIFI pedestals PR,KG Min Bias run to check changes 1hr data to tape JK,PR/KG Charged Veto timing 1hr at low Lum MS,WB,JK Special Run (Etot with and 1hr data to tape MS,PR/KG without veto triggers) Random Gates run 1Hr data to tape MS,PR/KG (may be postponed) 3x10^31 Min Bias run 2.5hr data to tape JK/MS,PR/KG 1/8 CCAL ON low Lum. phi-phi (gamma) PRUDE debug 8hr KG,FM,WB,FL Accumulate psi' to check all 2.5mA KG,+++ High Jet density testing 2hr/0.5mA GG,SP,MO Keith