Monday Meeting Minutes -- July 26, 1993 (KEG reporter) The investigation of IBM risc machines for the DART project was discussed. The main objections to the ordering the IBM investigation by Tom Nash is that it will delay the DART project (a few months at least) and how the experiments and collaborating institutions were informed of the investigation. Jose Marques discussed the CCAL pulse shaping. He is currently investigating a bridged "T" filter (passive). In a test setup (muon telescope with a CCAL counter and 334ns of delay cable) consisting of two such filters, a full pulse width of 60ns results and the signal is attenuated by a factor of 2.5; there is a 1.2% overshoot that he is investigating. Questions that he will be addressing in upcoming tests are effect on resolution and how much one needs to optimize the filters for each individual counter. Jack Zhao gave a presentation of 1P1 -> 3 gamma. His total efficiency is ~7% resulting in zero events. He sets an upper limit of BR(1P1->pbarp)BR(1P1->gamma eta_c) < 1.4e-4. With some assumptions, he draws a conclusion about the 1P1 total width. A memo is forth coming. Keith Gollwitzer reminded people of his analysis with total efficiency of ~15% which sets a limit of BR(1P1->pbarp)BR(1P1->gamma eta_c) < 3.4e-4. Scott Hadley announced that from FNALV one can use WWW to view different files (papers, constants, figures) that are related to E760/E835. All one needs is an X-terminal. He currently has two of our published papers available for viewing; if the other papers are available in postscript format, contact him. His instructions on how to use WWW to look at these files follows. ****************************************************************************** World Wide Web Server of fn760b The WWW server for E760/E835 is up and running from fn760b. The WWW viewer is not yet on fn760b, so for now you can just use FNALV. To call up the WWW server just do the following at the $ prompt. $set DISPLAY/CREATE/ $setup www $xmosaic Were xxxxx is your node. After the viewer is up all you need to do is open the fn760b server. this is done by choosing "open" from the "file" menu (or just click on open at the bottom of the viewer) and type the following in the open box. This brings up the E760/E835 "home page". Then just point and click to use the server. You may notice that most of the buttons do not bring up information right now, this should change as I get the files I need for the server. Infomation about WWW is avalible on the WWW server at the first page that comes up when you first enter it. This contains information on HTML, the mark-up language for WWW. Any questions or comments can be sent to me at