


The table below gives the priority of the software triggers in PRUDE. Following the table is a description and history of each software trigger ordered by KPRID; the valid KPRID values are
10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 30, 31, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, and 170. The Gatemaster/hardware triggers can be found else where and through links below.
Note that not all hardware and software triggers were ever active all at the same time (see individual trigger histories). Histories start at October 1, 1996 with run 536 (special runs have been excluded).




Written to

1 90 GM 9: Laser GK
2 120 GM12: Minimum Bias GK
3 130 GM13: Random Gate GK
4 70 GM 7:Etot 80% No Veto GK
5 140 GM14: FCAL Cosmic Ray GK
6 80 GM 8:Etot_lo Neutral GK
7 150 GM15: High Min Bias GP
8 10 GM 1: e+e- GK
9 40 GM 4: Neutral PBG1 GK
10 100 GM10: Silicon Strobe GP
11 30 GM 3: Phi-Phi GP
12 20 GM 2: PBAR-P GP
13 60 GM 6: Pbarp Control GP
14 50 GM 5: Neutral Etot GK
15 110 GM11: All Trigs GK
16 13 goldee GK GOLD
17 12 goodee GK
18 11 elec GK
19 31 phiphi GP
20 48 goldgg GK GNA GOLD
21 47 goodgg GK GNA
22 42 etainvm GK GNA
23 43 piinvm GK GNA
24 44 cmainvm GK GNA
25 45 cmbinvm GK GNA
26 41 invmass GK
27 52 etaetot GN GNA
28 53 pietot GN GNA
29 54 cmaetot GN GNA
30 55 cmbetot GN GNA
31 51 etotsoft GN
32 170 neutr GN


* KPRID = 10 --- Gatemaster 1 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 1 which is commonly known as the e+e- (inclusive J/psi; exclusive J/psi and psi') hardware trigger.

Active/Hardware Prescale History for Gatemaster 1:

Runs 536-end: hardware prescale was 1 (every hardware trigger passed).

Autopass History:

Runs 536-583: autopass was 1 (every event into PRUDE passed).
Runs 584-end: autopass was 10^7 (all events essentially subject to PRUDE filtering).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 11 --- elec


e+e- events that are not tagged by kprid =
12 or 13 -- all invariant mass pairs <2.0GeV.


Bits ON : 0000 0000 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 0000 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 1
No analysis requirements!! A catch all!!

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Active: Run 688-end.
Summary: from 1098-end the PRUDE prescale factor was 2 above and 1 below transition.

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 12 --- goodee


e+e- events which have an invariant mass >2.0GeV and below the
goldee (kprid = 13) invariant mass cut. Essentially for all below transition running there were no events designated as goodee.


Bits ON : 0400 0000 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 0000 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 1

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 688-end: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 13 --- goldee


For above[below] transition, e+e- events where an invariant mass >2.2[2.0]GeV was found. Below transition, this took precedence over
goodee (kprid = 12).


Above transition -- Bits ON : 0800 0000 -- 0000 0000
Below transition -- Bits ON : 0400 0000 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 0000 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 1

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 688-end: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 20 --- Gatemaster 2 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 2 which is commonly known as the pbar-p at 90deg hardware trigger.

Active/Hardware Prescale History for Gatemaster 2:

Runs 688-2057: hardware prescale was 1 (every hardware trigger passed).
Run 2058: hardware prescale was 2.
Runs 2059-3294: hardware prescale was 1 (every hardware trigger passed).

Autopass History:

Runs 688-3294: autopass was 1 (every event into PRUDE passed).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 30 --- Gatemaster 3 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 3 which is commonly known as the phi-phi hardware trigger.

Active/Hardware Prescale History for Gatemaster 3:

Runs 688-822 Hardware Prescale 1
Runs 823-835 Hardware Prescale 10
Runs 836-907 Hardware Prescale 1
Runs 908-2057 Hardware Prescale 10
Run 2058 Hardware Prescale 40
Runs 2059-2206Hardware Prescale 10
Runs 2207-2272Hardware Prescale 30
Runs 2273-3028Hardware Prescale 10
Runs 3029-3294 Hardware Prescale 1

Autopass History:

Runs 688-3028: autopass was 1 (every event into PRUDE passed).
Runs 3029-3294: autopass was 20.

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 31 --- phiphi


Hardware phi-phi triggers are selected based upon kinematics and opening angles as well as occupancy of hodoscopes and scintillating fiber bundles.


Bits ON : 0000 0000 -- 007F 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 0000 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 3

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 3029-3295: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 40 --- Gatemaster 4 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 4 which is commonly known as the neutral PBG1 hardware trigger.

Active/Hardware Prescale History:

Runs 547-583: hardware prescale was 14.
Runs 584-687: hardware prescale was 3.
Runs 688-end: hardware prescale was 1 (every hardware trigger passed).

Autopass History:

Runs 547-583Autopass 1
Runs 584-696Autopass 1000
Run 697 Autopass 1
Run 698 Autopass 1000
Runs 699-706Autopass 1
Runs 707-746Autopass 1000
Run 747 Autopass 1
Runs 748-endAutopass 1000

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 41 --- invmass


Neutral events where there is an invariant mass >2.0GeV but do not satisfy the calibration/gamma-gamma tagging: kprid =
42, 43, 44, 45, 47, or 48.


Bits ON : 0400 0000 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 0000 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 4 or 5

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 688-end: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 42 --- etainvm


Found at least 1 exclusive eta, <6 CCAL clusters and an invariant mass pairing >2.0GeV.


Bits ON : 0440 0000 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 03E0 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 4 or 5

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 688-end: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 43 --- piinvm


Found at least 1 exclusive pi0, <6 CCAL clusters and an invariant mass pairing >2.0GeV.


Bits ON : 0402 0000 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 03E0 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 4 or 5

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 688-end: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 44 --- cmainvm


The 1st largest energy cluster could be split [cluster mass >100MeV], there are <5 CCAL clusters and an invariant mass pairing >2.0GeV.


Bits ON : 0400 0400 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 03F0 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 4 or 5

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 688-end: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 45 --- cmbinvm


The 2nd largest energy cluster could be split [cluster mass >100MeV], there are <5 CCAL clusters and an invariant mass pairing >2.0GeV.


Bits ON : 0400 0800 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 03F0 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 4 or 5

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 688-end: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 47 --- goodgg


Neutral events where there is an invarinat mass >2.5GeV and below the
goldgg (kprid = 48) invariant mass cut. Essentially for all below transition running there were no events designated as goodgg.


Bits ON : 1000 0000 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 0000 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 4 or 5 [prior to run 823 only gatemaster 4]

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 688-end: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 48 --- goldgg


For above[below] transition, neutral events where an invariant mass >2.7[2.5]GeV was found. Below transition, this took precedence over
goodgg (kprid = 47). Prior to run 741 included cuts on kinematics


Run 688-740: Bits ON : 1000 3000 -- 0000 0000
Run 741-end:
Above transition -- Bits ON : 2000 0000 -- 0000 0000
Below transition -- Bits ON : 1000 0000 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 0000 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 4 or 5 [prior to run 823 only gatemaster 4]

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 688-end: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 50 --- Gatemaster 5 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 5 which is commonly known as the neutral total energy hardware trigger.

Active/Hardware Prescale History:

Runs 688-2041: hardware prescale was 1 (every hardware trigger passed).
Runs 2042-2106: hardware prescale was 5.
Runs 2107-end: hardware prescale was 1 (every hardware trigger passed).

Autopass History:

Runs 688-696Autopass 1000
Run 697 Autopass 1
Run 698 Autopass 1000
Runs 699-706Autopass 1
Runs 707-746Autopass 1000
Run 747 Autopass 1
Runs 748-endAutopass 1000

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 51 --- etotsoft


Neutral events where all invariant masses <2.0GeV and have 90% of the expected lab energy in the CCAL but do not satisfy the calibration taging: KPRID =
52, 53, 54 or 55.


Bits ON : 0000 8000 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 0000 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 4 or 5

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Active: Run 688-end.
Summary: from 1098-end the PRUDE prescale factor was 2 above and 4 below transition.

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 52 --- etaetot


Found at least 1 exclusive eta, <6 CCAL clusters, all invariant massess <2.0GeV and have 90% of the expected lab energy in the CCAL.


Bits ON : 0040 8000 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 03E0 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 4 or 5

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 688-end: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 53 --- pietot


Found at least 1 exclusive pi0, <6 CCAL clusters, all invariant massess <2.0GeV and have 90% of the expected lab energy in the CCAL.

Requirements:Bits ON :

0002 8000 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 03E0 -- 0000 0000

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 688-end: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 54 --- cmaetot


The 1st largest energy cluster could be split [cluster mass >100MeV], there are <5 CCAL clusters, all invariant massess <2.0GeV and have 90% of the expected lab energy in the CCAL.


Bits ON : 0000 8400 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 03F0 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 4 or 5

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 688-end: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 55 --- cmbetot


The 2nd largest energy cluster could be split [cluster mass >100MeV], there are <5 CCAL clusters, all invariant massess <2.0GeV and have 90% of the expected lab energy in the CCAL.


Bits ON : 0000 8800 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 03F0 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 4 or 5

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 688-end: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 60 --- Gatemaster 6 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 6 which is commonly known as the pbar-p control hardware trigger.

Active/Hardware Prescale History for Gatemaster 6:

Runs 693-696, 698, 707-2058: hardware prescale was 1 (every hardware trigger passed).
Runs 2059-3294: hardware prescale was 5.

Autopass History:

Runs 693-696, 698, 707-3294: autopass was 1 (every event into PRUDE passed).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 70 --- Gatemaster 7 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 7 which is commonly known as the total energy with no veto hardware trigger.

Active/Hardware Prescale History:

Runs 688-800: hardware prescale was 1000.
Runs 801-2097: hardware prescale was 500.
Runs 2098-end: hardware prescale was 100.

Autopass History:

Runs 688-end: autopass was 1 (every event into PRUDE passed).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 80 --- Gatemaster 8 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 8 which is commonly known as the neutral total energy with lower threshold hardware trigger.

Active/Hardware Prescale History:

Runs 688-800: hardware prescale was 1000.
Runs 801-2097: hardware prescale was 500.
Runs 2098-end: hardware prescale was 100.

Autopass History:

Runs 688-end: autopass was 1 (every event into PRUDE passed).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 90 --- Gatemaster 9 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 9 which is commonly known as the laser hardware trigger.

Active/Hardware Prescale History for Gatemaster 9:

Runs 688-end:hardware prescale was 1 (every hardware trigger passed).

Autopass History:

Runs 688-end: autopass was 1 (every event into PRUDE passed).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 100 --- Gatemaster 10 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 10 which is commonly known as the silicon strobe hardware trigger.

Active/Hardware Prescale History:

Runs 801-999: hardware prescale was 10^4.

Autopass History:

Runs 801-999: autopass was 1 (every event into PRUDE passed).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 110 --- Gatemaster 11 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 11 which is commonly known as the catch all hardware trigger. This is a to catch all events where the other gatemaster information is not recorded for some reason. The GM11 signal is the gate from the gatemaster itself.


Runs 2175-end.

Autopass History:

Runs 2175-end: autopass was 10^7.

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 120 --- Gatemaster 12 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 12 which is commonly known as the minimum bias hardware trigger.

Active/Hardware Prescale History:

Runs 584-687: hardware prescale was 2x10^5.
Runs 688-3322: hardware prescale was 10^5.
Runs 3323-end: hardware prescale was 50000.

Autopass History:

Runs 584-end: autopass was 1 (every event into PRUDE passed).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 130 --- Gatemaster 13 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 13 which is commonly known as the random gate hardware trigger.

Active/Hardware Prescale History for Gatemaster 13:

Runs 584-740: hardware prescale was 4x10^4.
Runs 741-800: hardware prescale was 10^4.
Runs 801-3322: hardware prescale was 5000.
Runs 3323-end: hardware prescale was 1000.

Autopass History:

Runs 584-end: autopass was 1 (every event into PRUDE passed).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 140 --- Gatemaster 14 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 14 which is commonly known as the FCAL cosmic ray muon hardware trigger.

Active/Hardware Prescale History for Gatemaster 14:

Runs 801-1999: hardware prescale was 1 (every hardware trigger passed).

Autopass History:

Runs 801-1999: autopass was 1 (every event into PRUDE passed).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 150 --- Gatemaster 15 Autopass


The software Autopass trigger for Gatemaster 15 which is commonly known as the high rate minimum bias hardware trigger.

Active/Hardware Prescale History:

Runs 801-812: hardware prescale was 6000.

Autopass History:

Runs 801-812: autopass was 1 (every event into PRUDE passed).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* KPRID = 170 --- neutr


Any neutral event not tagged.


Bits ON : 0000 0000 -- 0000 0000
Bits OFF: 0000 03F0 -- 0000 0000
Gatemaster 4 or 5

Active/PRUDE Prescale History:

Run 584-597: software prescale was 1 (all events which satisfied the requirements were written).

Goto Top or PRUDE trigger priority table.

* Autopass Description

Autopass is a software prescale factor used to automatically pass events from a hardware trigger. Events which pass the Autopass software prescale factor are automatically written to tape independent of any PRUDE filter-analysis result. An Autopass value of 1 means that every hardware trigger of that Gatemaster channel is written. Large non-1 values (>10) are used to pass a percentage (<10%) of the hardware trigger to check the efficiency of the PRUDE filtering.

Goto Top.

* PRUDE Prescale Description

The PRUDE prescale factor is applied after an event has been analyzed and assign to a software trigger but before written to tape. Non-1 values have been used to tune the tape writing rates. PRUDE prescaling was only applied to KPRIDs of 11 and 51 during E835 running.

Goto Top.

* PRUDE Bits Description

Below are two tables (one for each PRUDE trigger word) with the bits description used in PRUDE.
Note PRUDE uses 37/75MeV CCAL clustering thresholds, a window of 100-170MeV for pi0 and 450-650MeV for eta, and the difference between formed and exclusive is that the latter excludes the two clusters combining with other clusters to form another acceptable mass.

Word 1


0000 0001 1 CCAL Cluster
0000 0002 2 CCAL Clusters
0000 0004 3 CCAL Clusters
0000 0008 4 CCAL Clusters
0000 0010 5 CCAL Clusters
0000 0020 6 CCAL Clusters
0000 0040 7 CCAL Clusters
0000 0080 8 CCAL Clusters
0000 0100 9 CCAL Clusters
0000 0200 >9 CCAL Clusters
0000 0400 Cluster mass > 100MeV for 1st largest energy cluster
0000 0800 Cluster mass > 100MeV for 2nd largest energy cluster
0000 1000 1st largest Cluster satisfies 2 body kinematics *
0000 2000 2nd largest Cluster satisfies 2 body kinematics *
0000 4000 Total CCAL Energy >85% of expected lab energy
0000 8000 Total CCAL Energy >90% of expected lab energy
0001 0000 >0 pi0 formed by any pairing of CCAL clusters
0002 0000 >0 exclusive pairings of clusters forming pi0
0004 0000 1 exclusive pairing of clusters forming pi0
0008 0000 2 exclusive pairings of clusters forming pi0
0010 0000 >2 exclusive pairings of clusters forming pi0
0020 0000 >0 eta formed by any pairing of CCAL clusters
0040 0000 >0 exclusive pairings of clusters forming eta
0080 0000 1 exclusive pairing of clusters forming eta
0100 0000 2 exclusive pairings of clusters forming eta
0200 0000 >2 exclusive pairings of clusters forming eta
0400 0000 any pairing of clusters having invariant mass >2.0GeV
0800 0000 any pairing of clusters having invariant mass >2.2GeV
1000 0000 any pairing of clusters having invariant mass >2.5GeV
2000 0000 any pairing of clusters having invariant mass >2.7GeV **
4000 0000 any pairing of clusters having invariant mass >3.3GeV
8000 0000 a cluster consistent with a recoil gamma ray
* 2 body kinematics means that the energy is within 25% of the expected energy for the cluster theta for 2gamma/e+e- events.
** Prior to run 741, this bit was defined as a mass window of 2.7-3.3GeV.

Word 2 Bits


0000 0001 invariant mass >2.2GeV
0000 0002 invariant mass >2.5GeV
0000 0004 2 electron tracks
0000 0008 1 electron track and H2=2
0000 0010 akin and acopl <500mrad
0000 0020 cerenkov hits associated with CCAL clusters
0000 0040 product of electron weight >2
0000 0080 product of electron weight >5
0000 0100 unused
0000 0200 unused
0000 0400 unused
0000 0800 unused
0000 1000 ABS of P_x or P_y is >250MeV
0000 2000 ABS of P_x or P_y is >500MeV
0000 4000 P_trans is >300MeV
0000 8000 P_trans is >600MeV
0001 0000 #H2=3,4 and #SFB=3,4 and SFB1 not hit
0002 0000 H2 topology
0004 0000 hodoscope association
0008 0000 straws association
0010 0000 kaon opening angle
0020 0000 phi coplanarity
0040 0000 phi-phi kinematics
0080 0000 unused
0100 0000 unused
0200 0000 unused
0400 0000 unused
0800 0000 unused
1000 0000 unused
2000 0000 unused
4000 0000 unused
8000 0000 unused

Goto Top.

E835 Home Page

Last update September 25, 2001
Comments, problems or questions -- please send mail to Keith Gollwitzer.