This stack is devoted to debugging..the next stack will be our first physics run to scan/find the psi-prime. We saw about 9 mA to start with at 8 am. Two major scares today: 1) gas-jet would not turn on because the cryo-cooler was off because a small turbo-pump had failed. Consulting with Mauro M., we guessed we could run without this particular pump and so Dale Miller, bless him, removed the interlock from the Gould program. By 9:15 am, the cryo- cooler was on. It took 3.75 hours to cool from room-temperature to operating temperature. At 13:00, the jet was turned on. 2) there was an alarm on the VLPC cryogenics system saying that the boil-off helium which is usually returned to the Tevatron was being vented to the air because it was highly contaminated (with oxygen). Such a condition could have been an indication of a serious problem. After looking at the temperatures throughout the system, however, it seemed that things were actually in a normal state and it turned out that the ARC cell which monitors the contamination level had put itself in an alarm state. These two issues although we overcame them exhausted my patience for the day - apologies to people I may have been a little direct with. Judged by number of people in counting room, most active was Sci-Fi will be nice to get a summary of where it stands after all this work. Counters are basically in good shape. The single p-e's of the Cerenkov are seen "on the scope" but the special setup to trigger on this has not been run, yet. I am told triggers are established. CCal is basically in shape. Michelle issued a general announcement that there is one counter which tends to kill its shaper channel when the HV is first turned on. There is a physical switch-box on this channel which should be set to OFF whenever HV is turned on and should be set to ON only after the HV is established. Marco P. worked on the scalers; he found and corrected some miscabling. Dave J. worked on the luminosity monitor stuff, reorganizing the physical layout and setting appropriate thresholds in the discriminators on the left/right detectors. Willi sent an update on the online program - included here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Tue Jan 25 21:40:27 2000 From: Wilhelm Roethel To: E835 Collaboration Subject: online monitor update Updates on the online monitor: * hodoscopes show the correct (new) mapping now (thanks to Diego!) * button 'save histogram' saves all histograms * button 'reset all histograms' resets all histograms * at the beginning of a new run a histogram file containing all histograms is written to /lumin/dartdisk/daqman/onlmon/test/log/run_eor.hbook The histograms are NOT reset * pressing 'Quit' also saves all histograms to the log file (end then end the program with a core dump) hbook files of some (short) runs can be found under /lumin/dartdisk/daqman/onlmon/test/log/... please check your detectors. There is also a (updated) summary printout of the histograms in the counting room. - Willi --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giovanni said HV controllers are all functioning correctly. -->Program for this evening: (I'm at home) Check Online Monitor - histogram correctness and detector performance. Install/test/debug new code in Prude. Do peds - jet-on/jet-off Write a disk file. Write a data tape. Turn jet off; turn cryocooler off ready for pump replacement tomorrow am. Decelerate Stack (starting around 11 pm). Dump beam. Access till 7:30 Wednesday morning. ========================================================================= Stephen