Evening Shift Jan 27, 2000 Shiftees Gollwitzer, Kasper, Negrini Deceleration to (hopefully 3687MeV) was very successful 15.67->15.14mA Jet target was turned on at 18:00 after all permit keys were turned. Rates were taken and compared to 1997 psi' scan. Determined that luminosity is about 7x10^30 with jet density calculated at 9x10^13. Problem has been looked at and not quite fixed with rate into master MLU is greater than rate out for a channel that is expected to be an effective pass through (GM2 for this stack is 2h and H2=2). Strobe jitter appears to be 20ns but this was proven not to be the problem. Will leave for study after this stack. There were HV mainframe problems: 1 controller was replaced (always set the 128V bit) and 1 card was replaced (+- 200V difference between set and actual) in a different mainframe. The above problems gave the shift crew plenty of training in turning on and off the detectors and gas jet. As well as take plenty of pedestals which were all written to the database. Run 5005 is the latest pedestal run and run 5006 is the first physics run for E835 in 2000. The run was intentionally stopped after an hour to allow reading of the goldee file and making the mdst and ntuple (both have been done successfully). During run 5006 corrected a few more problems such as connecting a cable so that GM8 triggers will be recognized by PRUDE. And calling Michelle to start the laser. Also found that the event size is twice that of 1997: 1.9KB/evt. This is due to many words in 2 of the 3 crates of SCIFI TDCs. The SCIFI group should try to understand this tomorrow. Starting the laser caused PRUDE to crash since the events were larger than 8KB. Also the configuration was writing only to 1 tape (GK stream). At the change of run the configuration was changed to double the laser buffer size and reset where the main event buffers are sent to all tape streams. Run 5009 has been started and looks well. The runs in between were abort by mis-mounting and a tape drive error (the offending tape is in the trash).