Shift Summary 1/29/2k Day: Beam at start: 6.4 mA; Beam at end: 4.9 mA; Typical Lumin. 0.7 x 10^31 Data type: Psi' scan Runs 5029, 5031 Shifters: DB, MP Log Book 6 Pages 183 to 191 Summary: Completed 7th and 8th points. Point 7 is lower in cross section than point 6, but still definitely above background. Point 8 (130 keV down from point 7) is just above background (with a cross section similar to point 5). At the end of the shift the beam was decelerated by another 160 keV approximately and data taking was about to be resumed at this lower and possibly final energy of this scan. Toward the end of run 5029 the jet target nozzle got clogged again: we unclogged it by warming it up. We then set the density at 2.5 x 10^14, and since then it has been very stable at that value. Altogether a smooth shift. Diego and Marco