Summary of the evening shift 04/07 4:00pm-12:00am On shift, AT and WR Very smooth shift: Took over with run 5443 in progress 17:55 Martin Hu reported that the problem with the cooling was under control. 19:05 end of run5443: beam current at 14.5 mA, integrated luminosity for this run is 266.7 nb^-1 20:35 and 21:55 Jet started clogging. Warmed up the nozzle (with some help from Gabriele) 22:07 DAQ reset (but no problem) 22:40 Jet density regulation turned off automatically after reaching a density well over 3 * 10^14 . Automatic regulation was kept off for the rest of the shift. 22:45 End of run 5444: beam current at 12.07 mA, integrated luminosity for this run is 254.0 nb^-1. Summed luminosities of runs 5438-5444 are now 1.1857 pb^-1. 23:00 Jet clogged up again. Warmed up the nozzle, and it back to normal. 12:00 am: run 5445 (still in progress) accumlated 71.5 nb^-1 sofar, i.e. we have a total of 1.2572 pb^-1. Beam current at the time is 11.24 mA. Logbook #7, pages 15-19. - Have a good night, Amiran, Willi