On shift DJ, ZM 10:20 Decelerating finished: Beam Current 38.43 mA 10:45 HV turned on, F15 Fuse was found melted and replaced. 11:00-12:30 pbarp trigger work: Wander changed GM6 and GM2 12:30 attempted to start run, run aborted itself Keith determined that fn835x:/daqdata hard disk had failed and rerouted data to a different disk. Keith had to power cycle all HV mainframes to re-establish communications after fn835x reboot. Runs 5481-5489 were used in diagnosing and fixing problems by Keith and Paolo, 14:40 Finally took pedestal run 5490 written on database 14:55 Began run 5491, beam current 30.93 mA Jet Density 1.40 x 10E14, Inst Lum 2.38 X 10E31 Log Book #7 pages 55-59