04/19/00 Evening Shift Summary: (Log Book: #7, p.84-88) On shift: RR,MG Data Type: chi0 (Ecm=3411 MeV) Beam current at start: 45 mA . Beam current at end: 37.1 mA . Typical Luminosity: (2.2-2.5) x 10^31 cm^-2s^-1 Run: 5510 (242.4 nb-1) inherited 5511 (268.2 nb-1) 5512 in progress Comments: 4:10 Shut off jet so that AP10 could reduce the beam losses 5:10 Jet on, resumed run. 6:20 Lots of VSN out of order errors from DYC 15...see KG's note on pg 86 of logbook --there were three instances where the Ecm spiked accompanied by a loss of ~0.1 mA...Throughout shift the beam losses averaged about 1.2-1.5 mA/hr There were thunderstorms passing through when we had the two spikes. good night, Roger, Matt