Owl Shift Summary 5/21/00 On shift : WB, SP Ecm=3525.4 MeV (+/- 0.03 for most of the time) Logbook 7 276-279 Run 5717 315.0 nb-1 Run 5718 314.4 nb-1 Run 5719 under way Total integrated luminosity so far at 3525.4 MeV: 3365 nb-1 Ibeam at 00:00 = 21.03 mA, Ibeam at 08:00 = 15.1 mA Comments: Smooth shift, with a few DAQ hangs; the gateway display hung itself at one point. DYC 9 gave some errors. 2 or 3 "data-in" hangs from DYC 3 and 5 and once from DYC 1. Once there was a DYC 3 data-in hang with the permit lights on at DYC 1 and DYC 7..Two uncloggings performed. The ETOT rates are a bit of a mystery. Scaled to PBGOR and h1.h2, they seem to be rate dependent. We have asked the next crew to take scaler readings at various gas-jet densities= various luminosities just before the stack is dumped. We were called by the MCR around 7 am about a problem with power "to the Kautz Road Substation - a high voltage line has opened up and this will prevent stacking". This beam will last till about noon; the new shift should call the MCR to ask about the status of things around 10 am. Buongiorno WB & SP