On shift: GG , AB Logbook 8 pages 30-33 Ecm = 3523.3 MeV (1P1 background point) Run 5763 334.8 nb^-1 Run 5764 329.3 nb^-1 Run 5765 under way initial Ibeam : 20.55 mA final Ibeam : 14.1 mA average instant. luminosity : 2.5*10^31 cm^-2 s^-1 beam sigmap ~ 1.3 MeV/c After talking to Martin Hu we increased H2 density to 3*10^14 cm^-3 then set the jet to regulating mode. Some odd variation noticed in 1e_new rate; also: B2*B17 > BUNDLE2 ? 1 P77 ACNET alarm : since 21:45 we have run ~200 KeV under the nominal value: after a failure of BPM house 40, the calibration for those BPMs came up wrong; the problem was solved and energy corrected at 23:15 5 DAQ hang up 4 gas jet unclog Up to Run 5764 included we have accumulated 2.63 pb-1 Cheers Gabriele and Alberto