On shift GG + TV Running at 3526.25 with a SigmaP ~ 1.1 MeV/c Inherited run 5779: Int Lum = 337.4 run 5780: Int Lum = 340.9 On going run 5781: Int Lum ~ 100 1:40 found H2-17 tdc at 0; adc value ~ 30% lower than expected. The problem was there since 20:54 at least. After checking HV, called MO to look at the signal from downstairs. Everything looked fine and just replugging the cables back solved the problem. The rate of H2 logic is lower than expected. This was true also before touching H2 cables. 7:45 Ecm jump down to 3525.9. It's not clear if this was caused by an operational mistake or some other problem. Jet off and DAQ paused. 8:05 Energy increasing towards 3526.25 MeV. MCR haven't called yet. Because of the MI black out, it may be worth it to take some more data, even if we have just 10.3 mA remaining. Cheers Gabriele and Ted et. Because of the MI black out, it may be worth it to take some more data, even if we have just 10.3 mA remaining. Cheers Gabriele and Ted