On shift: ZM, AT 16:00 - 24:00 Logbook n.8, pag.57-59 Run Summary: 1P1 (3526.25 MeV) Current at Begining of Shift : 42.3 mA Current at end of Shift : 25.4 mA Inherited run 5783: Int Lum = 330.5 nb-1 run 5784: Int Lum = 341.0 nb-1 On going run 5785 Typical Luminosity: 2.3x10^31 cm^-2 s^-1 Typical Beam Width: ~1.7 MeV/c till 22:00, redused to ~1.2 MeV/c during the last two hours. Comments: 16:41 Turned jet density up. We did that in steps of ~1*10^13 at/cm^3 every minute or so. Then was a step of 4*10^13 at/cm^3 to get to 9*10^13 at/cm^3, but the beam loss of ~10 mA was later. No DAQ hangs, 1 Sraws Alarm. Good night, Zaza and Amiran.