Summary for 6/12/00 0:00-8:00 On Shift: JK,MG Log Book #8 Pages 81-82 Run Summary: 1P1 (3528.5 MeV) 5803 pedestal run 5804-5810 diagnostic runs-no data (see comments) Comments: 20:42 The first ramp on the deceleration ended at 20:42 last evening with 45.9 mA. 00:40 The second ramp is finished with 43 mA. 01:36 pedestal run 5803 was taken. 04:50 During the cooling (the Jet had not yet been turned on), there was a large beam loss taking the current down to 29.8 mA. The loss corresponded to a small blow up of the horizontal and vertical emittances. 04:51 Martin Hu tells us they are having trouble with the RF system and are unable to get BPM data. Martin had paged Keith who had gone to MCR to help. Eventually it was decided to switch to another RF system. Note that Keith had left MCR to return home before the beam loss. 05:45 The beam was ready so we turned on the Jet. We turned it on slowly using the old procedure of simply turning up the set point density in units of 0.1x10^14 while keeping an eye on the emittances. 05:55 We see a rapid rise developing in the emittances and quickly lower the density. We talked with Martin who asked that we turn the Jet back off while he cools the beam more. 06:50 beam is ready so jet is turned on again using the same procedure as above. 07:40 Run 5804 begins, but DYC 3&5 immediately cause an unresettable DAQ hang. After a drt_fresh_start and reintialization fails to correct the problem, PR & KEG are paged (PR calls later from NWU where he was turning in a final exam). The Shift ends with about 28 mA. After 8:00 Keith arrives and fixes the DAQ problem and the first run of the stack finally begins, but that is a story to be told by the day shift. Good Morning, Jason & Matt