Evening Shift 8/27/2000: Data at the peak of psi'. On shift TV III, SP. Log 9 pp 12 - 14 Typical Luminosity ~1.9 * 10^31 Sigmap ~ just under 1 MeV 7146 419 inherited 7147 418 all our own 7148 in progress.. total luminosity so far ~2.2 pb-1 Discussion: -Problem with HP19 still there. I (SP) would have fixed it but they wouldn't let me. The oscillation is a total swing of about 15% in pulse height (I guess) There are no signs of excess or deficit in the ADC and TDC plots. -a few nozzle unclogs including a spectacular occasion when the return temperature was set too low and we had a moment of very high luminosity - the straws tripped - followed by a thorough clog and a total absence of flow - like the end of the universe. -Giulio called around 11 pm to say he is going to try to reduce sigmap. Good Night all - magister dixit - TV and SP.