E-835 end-of-run party

10 November 2000

Here are some pictures from the party. Click on them for a blow-up.

During E-835, anybody could be a shift captain. The only requirement was that you had to be alert...
Shift captain

The three experimenters with the longest hair...
Long hair

Men chatting...
Men chatting

We had gourmet food too!
Gourmet food

This could be a classic Ferminews picture, because he is not actually working, just posing...
Keith posing

What are they looking at?
What's going on?

The latest news on Channel 13, of course!
Channel 13, part I Channel 13, part II

Giulio Stancari, stancari@fnal.gov
Last modified: Sat Dec 16 16:27:35 CST 2000