E-835 Projects

Experiment E-835 at Fermilab is dedicated mostly to charmonium spectroscopy.

Scintillating-Fiber Tracker

The INFN-Ferrara group, in collaboration with the D-Zero experiment and Fermilab, has built the first scintillating-fiber detector read out with Visible-Light Photon Counters ever used in high-energy physics. I was involved in the assembly and in the performance analysis.

Link to Bombo's SFT page.

SFT logbook for the 1996-97 run.

Contributions to SCIFI 97 (Notre Dame, IN, November 2-6, 1997):

They are published in AIP Conference Proceedings 450, edited by Bross, Ruchti and Wayne.

Slides from New Perspectives '98 (Fermilab, July 16, 1998).

Form-factor Physics

The E-835 apparatus is particularly suitable to measure the magnetic form factor of the proton in the timelike region at relatively large momentum transfers.

My doctoral dissertation (December 1998).

Paper published in Physical Review D on August 1, 1999, vol. 60, issue 3, article 032002, 6 pages; (available as Fermilab preprint Pub-99/027-E or at the PRD site).

Slides and paper (PostScript or Fermilab preprint) presented at the Second International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics (ICTP, Trieste, May 10-14, 1999).

Determination of resonance parameters

Expected event yield at resonance peak as a function of beam width relative to resonance width: GIF or PostScript

Expected event yield as a function of CM energy for different beam widths relative to resonance width: GIF or PostScript

Presentation at the E-835 weekly meeting of 25 April 2000


Guide for the E-835 shift crew on how to monitor accelerator parameters (25 February 2000): PDF (42k) or PostScript (149k) format.

Slides for the IV International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons (Valencia, Spain, 27-30 June 2000).

Pictures from the end-of-run party.

Giulio Stancari, stancari@fnal.gov
Last modified: Sat Dec 16 16:30:29 CST 2000